Luxury tracksuits

Sportswear lands at luxury fashion

Leave behind the evening dresses and the scintillating looks of Christmas celebrations- a new period has arrived in which we want to relax even when choosing outfits but without forgetting elegance and charm. Luckily, one of the trends that is very popular this year are luxury tracksuits. Forget about overalls the way we have known them so far, and rather think about outfits that combine comfort and maximum glamour. Gucci has been the very first one to launch the trend by embellishing tracksuits with laces, sequins and crystals, combining them with stiletto heels. Chloé chooses cashmere and wool to make its track pants warm and soft, while Fendi prints its classic logo on vinyl. Faith Connexion brings the Kappa brand back into vogue, redefining the historical overalls with sequins.