About Us

Shoppingscanner is the fulfilment of an idea and the tangible result of a friendship.
Alessandra and Laura have shared many important moments in life, from school days to moving to London, and have exchanged conversations, secrets and plans. One of them is an engineer, the other an architect, and both have very different opinions about things, but they don’t argue too much.
They love shopping online because it’s fun and eco-friendly, in the current sense of the term: it saves time, effort and money. It also allows you to find what you really want.

— We’ve created this search engine that can browse the stores we like best and filter products according to brand, price range, discount and store. We want shopping online to be easier for everyone. We’re working hard to perfect it and we know there’s still a lot to do, but we want your suggestions and advice to help us improve it day by day. We’ll try to reply to all those who contact us.
Our invitation is this: try it, assess it, but don’t be too hard on us! :) Shoppingscanner has just begun and we still have a long way to go.
We’ll leave you with the words of Coco Chanel:

"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."
Alessandra e Laura

Alessandra Massaini Founder, Product Director

Laura Cappelletti Founder, Technology Director

David Guerra Senior Developer / Frontend & Backend Engineer

Matteo Mattei System Administrator